cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

Structure and support induced structure disruption of soft nanoparticles obtained from hydroxylated fatty acids


José Alejandro Heredia-Guerrero, Miguel Ángel San-Miguel, Mónica Luna, Eva Domínguez, Antonio Heredia, José Jesús Benítez Soft Matter 2011, Vol. 10, 4357-4363

Soft and spherical nanoparticles, named as cutinsomes, have been prepared from concentrated 9(10),16-dihydroxypalmitic acid (diHPA) in aqueous solution. After isolation, cutinsomes have been chemically and structurally characterized by ATR-FTIR, TEM and dynamic atomic force microscopy (dynamic AFM). The nanoparticle can be described as a lipidic, liquid-like and mostly esterified core surrounded by a polar shell of carboxylate/carboxylic acid molecules. Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations have been used to support this model. The structural stability of soft cutinsomes has been tested by deposition on both non-polar (HOPG) and polar (mica) flat substrates. It has been found that the magnitude of the interaction between the polar shell of cutinsomes and the support determines their structure conservation or its spreading or rupture and spill out of the liquid-like content. The structural consistence of these nanoparticles as a function of the polarity of substrate is of interest in elucidating the formation mechanism of cutin, the most abundant biopolyester in nature and a very interesting biomaterial to be mimetized.

Lea la entrevista con José Alejandro Heredia-Guerrero.


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