cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

Ionic liquid templated TiO2 nanoparticles as a support in gold environmental catalysis


Rafael S. Avellaneda, Svetlana Ivanova *, Oihane Sanz, Francisca Romero-Sarria, Miguel Angel Centeno, Jose Antonio Odriozola Applied Catalysis B 2009, Vol. 93, 140-148

This work presents the synthesis of a nanostructured titania support and its subsequent utilization for the gold particles deposition and application in the reaction of the CO oxidation. A functionalized ionic liquid has been used as a templating agent for the titanium oxide synthesis resulting in a high specific surface nanostructured titania anatase. The as prepared support was then used for gold nanoparticles deposition without ionic liquid removal in order to study the possible role of the latter in the stabilization of the gold particles. The presence of ionic liquid in the catalysts results in an unusual catalytic behaviour—strong dependence on the presence of CO and changed kinetics and rate of oxidation.

© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



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