cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

Evidence of Upconversion Luminescence Contribution to the Improved Photoactivity of Erbium doped TiO2 System


S. Obregón and G. Colón Chemical Communications 2012, Vol. 48, 7865–7867

Er(3+)-TiO(2) synthesized by surfactant free hydrothermal method exhibit good photoactivities under sun-like excitation for the degradation of phenol. The presence of Er(3+) does not affect significantly to the structural and morphological features of the TiO(2). The best photocatalytic performance was attained for the samples with 2%wt of Er. Different photocatalytic runs pointed out that the incorporation of the Er(3+) cation would be the responsible of the enhanced photocatalytic activity participating in different mechanisms under UV and NIR excitation.


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