cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • Juan Ramón Sánchez Valencia, Young Investigators Award 2014
< Juan Ramón Sánchez Valencia, Premio Investigadores Jóvenes 2014
27 May 2015 09:06 Age: 9 Years

Juan Ramón Sánchez Valencia, Young Investigators Award 2014

The Academy acknowledges his studies of functional nanomaterials with applications in photonics, electronics and sensors

Juan Ramón Sánchez Valencia, a researcher at the Institute of Materials Science of Seville (ICMS), is the winner of the Seville´s Royal Academy of Sciences Award 2014.

His research work focuses on the study of functional nanomaterials with applications in photonics, electronics and sensors. (Read on) They are materials of high technical interest which are prepared through the techniques of laboratory vacuum and plasma processing. These materials  can also be developed on an industrial scale and are compatible with the current methods of manufacture of microelectronic devices.

As well, sponsored by the Royal Cavalry of Seville, the Seville´s Royal Academy of Sciences has also granted an award to Eugenio Zapata Solvas, a researcher at the Institute of Materials Science, belonging to cicCartuja. Eugenio was acknowledged for his studies on the mechanical and thermal properties of nanostructured ceramic compounds and of "composite" with ceramic matrix.

The award, which consists of 6000 Euros, will take place at The Royal Cavalry of Seville premises, starting at seven o´clock the evening on May the 27th.

Center News

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Jornada: "Soluciones Tecnológicas para la gestión del agua"

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Category: cicCartuja

2 June 2023

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31 May 2023

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24 May 2023

Orestes Rivada, galardonado con el Premio en Química Inorgánica de la RMCS

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Category: cicCartuja IIQ

19 May 2023

Publicados los ganadores del Concurso de Nano-Relatos 2023 (copy 1)

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Category: ICMS

15 May 2023

Homenaje al biólogo y activista J.A. Valverde en la Casa de la Ciencia

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Category: cicCartuja

12 May 2023

Concedido el IX Premio cicCartuja en la Feria de la Ciencia

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Category: cicCartuja