cicCartuja Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la cartuja

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  • New NMR methods for the study of carbohydrate conformation and protein carbohydrate interactions
< Alberto Jiménez Premio Extrardinario de Doctorado 2016-2017
11 October 2019 13:37 Age: 5 Years
Category: Conference IIQ

New NMR methods for the study of carbohydrate conformation and protein carbohydrate interactions

New NMR methods for the study of carbohydrate conformation and protein carbohydrate interactions. 

Dra. María Ángeles Canales Mayordomo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

Viernes 11 de octubre de 2019. 12:30 h.

Salón de Grados cicCartuja2


Complex glycosylation patterns containing multiantennary N-glycans are typically found in mature glycoproteins. However,
the structural characterization of these glycans is rather challenging. Usually, standard NMR and X-ray diffraction techniques fail to provide specific answers on the structure and molecular recognition features due to intrinsic attributes
of the glycan. As a promising approach, carbohydrates conjugated to lanthanide binding tags have revealed high potential toward this aim. This methodology has first been applied to the study of small oligosaccharides (di-, tri- and tetrasaccharides). Proceeding from this experimental basis, we have extended this concept to the level of high degree branching and long chain N-glycans. In addition, the molecular recognition properties of these complex glycans were characterized in detailed thanks to the unprecedented resolution obtained in the spectra.

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